Como cada mes, Health Evidence realiza su cuidadosa selección de aquellas revisiones sistemáticas que por su calidad metodológica se considera que aportan un nivel de evidencia fuerte ("strong"). Son las siguientes:
- Centre-based day care for children younger than five years of age in low- and middle-income countries
- Depression screening and patient outcomes in pregnancy or postpartum: a systematic review
- Prebiotic supplementation in preterm neonates: Updated systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials
- A meta-analysis of the effects of dropout prevention programs on school absenteeism
Con un nivel de evidencia moderado se han seleccionado las siguientes revisiones:
- Systematic review of the indirect effect of pneumococcal conjugate vaccine dosing schedules on pneumococcal disease and colonization
- Vitamin C supplementation in pregnancy--does it decrease rates of preterm birth? A systematic review
- Efficacy and effectiveness of maternal influenza vaccination during pregnancy: A review of the evidence
- School-based prevention programs for depression and anxiety in adolescence: A systematic review
- Effects of intervention programs on child and adolescent BMI: A meta-analysis study
- Factors related to risky sexual behaviors and effective STI/ HIV and pregnancy intervention programs for African American adolescents
Sin duda, muchas de estas revisiones merecen nuestra atención. Esperamos que resulten de vuestro interés.
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