Como cada mes, "Health Evidence"pone a nuestra disposición resúmenes de revisiones sistemáticas evaluadas críticamente y clasificadas según niveles de evidencia. En esta ocasión os mostramos sólo aquellas clasificadas bajo un nivel de calidad metodológica calificado como "fuerte" ("strong"). Son las siguientes:
Nivel de calidad "fuerte" ("strong"):
- Methods of milk expression for lactating women
- Fluoride gels for preventing dental caries in children and adolescents
- Teaching approaches and strategies that promote healthy eating in primary school children: A systematic review and meta-analysis
- A systematic review of psychosocial interventions for women with postpartum stress
- Meta-analysis of the effectiveness of school substance abuse prevention programs in Spain
- Routine iron supplementation and screening for iron deficiency anemia in pregnancy: A systematic review for the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force
- A systematic review of interventions for reducing parental vaccine refusal and vaccine hesitancy
- Benefits of iron supplementation for low birth weight infants: A systematic review
Que las disfrutéis.
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